Want to know how much money a blog is earning from Google Adsense? In this article, I will be telling you how to find out how much a website could be earning from Google Adsense.
Earning from Google Adsense depends on several factors. Primary factors are the type of ads and the number of genuine clicks. This is the reason, day to day earning differ. No one reveals exact AdSense earning but you can still guess how much a website could be earning from Adsense. There could be several reasons why you need to find out Adsense earning of website. Maybe you want to know how much a blogger is earning from his/her blog or you are thinking to buy a website, so need an approx idea.
Popular keyword research tool SEMrush also offers an AdSense Benchmark tool that lets you find out how much a website can earn from Google Adsense. This tool basically uses CPC and search engine ranking data to estimate an amount. It is basically the maximum potential of the website if Google Adsense is used as a primary monetization way.
This tool is free and doesn’t ask you to create an account before you could use it. But I still recommend you to create an account on SEMRush. Even if you do not want to pay for their premium plans, you can take benefit of their 10 free searches a day by using the free account.
Here’s a snapshot of earning estimation for the domain techlomedia.in.
Techlomedia is my primary tech blog and of course, Adsense earning isn’t the same as shown by this tool. It is because my primary Display Advertising network is Sulvo. If I start using Adsense properly on my blog, this much earning I can make in ideal conditions.
There are also some other reasons why actual earning from the blog cannot be the same as shown by this tool. The primary reason is the use of Ad blocks by millions of Internet users. Another reason could be the website’s layout that affects CTR.
SEMrush is a keyword research tool that keeps data of a domain’s ranking. It knows keywords a domain is ranking, ranking position, and keyword’s CPC. Based on this data, it estimates by considering an ideal CTR. Your website may not get as many clicks as the tool assume.
Still, I find this tool worthy as it helps you in understanding the maximum potential. In case you are looking to buy a website, you can use this tool to understand if a website really has potential and then you can negotiate the price based on this data.
If this tool shows much higher Adsense earning that you are actually getting even after using Adsense as your primary monetization method, you can think of analyzing your website again. Experiment with different ad types and ad positions.
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